UWMDI Investigators Tomas Vaisar, PhD, Santica Marcovina, PhD, Noemie Clouet-Foraison, and Andy Hoofnagle, MD, PhD, are co-authors in Clinical Chemistry

UWMDI Investigators Tomas Vaisar, PhD, Santica Marcovina, PhD, Noemie Clouet-Foraison, and Andy Hoofnagle, MD, PhD, are co-authors in Clinical Chemistry

UWMDI Investigator Tomas Vaisar, PhD, is senior author, Santica Marcovina, PhD and Noemie Clouet-Foraison are first co-authors, and Andy Hoofnagle, MD, PhD, is co-author for “Development of an LC-MS/MS Proposed Candidate Reference Method for the Standardization of Analytical Methods to Measure Lipoprotein(a) published in Clinical Chemistry.


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